How To Treat A Slut

Posted on 2023-02-03

Category: Lifestyle

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When men think of slutty women, they tend to get an image of a woman that responds well to aggressive sexual behavior, as well as vulgar language. The idea that most men have is that if they talk to a girl like she is a slut, or push straight towards sex like she is a slut, then because she is a slut, she is going to sleep with him. From my personal experiences, that is far from the case.

I've been with women that are sluts, and have had a lot of sexual partners, but I, nor the previous guys, slept with these women the way that you think we did. We didn't humiliate them, we didn't make these overly sexual comments, and we didn't aggressively try to push them towards sex. In fact, the sluts that I know, slept with the guys that they did because they genuinely thought that they were nice guys.

I would even go as far as to say that the only difference between a typical slut, and a typical woman, is the time in which they wait to sleep with a guy. A normal woman might wait until the third meeting with a guy, while a slut will sleep with a guy on the same day, or after the first meeting. The types of sluts that most men think of, the ones that you can be overly physically aggressive with, humiliate, and make aggressive sexual comments towards are incredibly rare. That type of girl has absolutely no self-confidence and usually has a serious addiction to drugs (or is so physically unattractive that she has no self-respect).

A mistake that that I've seen my friends make when they caught wind of a girl sleeping with a lot of guys, is that they assume that these girls have absolutely no kind of self-respect. In turn, they try to treat and talk to these girls like they are prostitutes. And what happens? They don't get laid. If they only knew that the typical slut doesn't dress like a slut, and doesn't want to be treated like one, they most likely would have slept with these girls.

Let's talk about some of the sluts I know (aka women with a lot of sexual partners). One girl would not sleep with me while my friend was in the same room, even if he was sleep. Another would not sleep with me because I moved too aggressively. Another would not have one-night stands; you had to take her on at least one date first. And another would not sleep with guys that were known players. Some of these girls I eventually slept with, and some of them I didn't. The point is that they weren't going to have a sex with a guy just because he wanted to, even if he was good-looking.

So how should you come at a woman that is a known slut or that you suspect to be a slut? You should come at her the same way you would with any other woman. Unless you're talking about a drug addict, there is no difference in how a slut wants to be treated, and how a typical woman wants to be treated. The only difference is that a slut will sleep with you sooner than a typical woman would. They still want to be treated with respect.